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Automatic retractable covers provide the highest level of safety, elegance, and convenience; they are not only useful, but they also look wonderful on top of your pool. Aside from the numerous safety benefits, an autocover can also protect your pool, reducing maintenance requirements and helping you save money on heating and energy expenditures. You can save money each month by using a pool cover, spending less time cleaning and maintaining your pool, and more time enjoying it with your family. This appears to be an excellent investment. But you may be wondering how long R3tract's automated retractable swimming cover will last.


Let's figure it out together.


A Look at our Automatic Covers

If you maintain your automatic retractable pool safety cover properly, it can last for 4 to 6 years. To ensure that your automatic pool cover lasts as long as possible, it is critical to maintain it on a regular basis and to take the required precautions to prevent damage. The most crucial aspect of pool safety covers is to keep them clean.


This includes cleaning up any trash or grime that has accumulated on the retractable cover. You should also inspect the cover for evidence of wear and tear, such as tears or holes. If you find any of these problems, you should fix them right away to avoid further damage. It is also critical to ensure that your retractable pool cover is properly secured when not in use. Strong winds or other severe weather conditions might harm your pool cover if it is not properly secured. Occasionally, inspect your retractable pool cover for signs of damage or wear and tear. If you discover any problems, replace the cover as soon as possible.


This will help to keep your pool safe and secure for many years to come.


Cover Maintenance

Our automatic pool cover systems are among the most dependable on the market. However, if you maintain your automatic cover on a regular basis, it will last for many years. Just keeping excess water, dirt, and debris out of the auto cover housing can assist in reducing the amount of maintenance required. Pulleys and sliders, like brake pads on your car, will wear out over time. Changing these items on a regular basis will help you avoid difficulties. Maintenance will be minimal if the pool deck and cover are used sensibly. We do, however, install a maintenance hatch on all of our covers to facilitate access to the mechanics.


Upon request, we can also send our local contractors to fix any manufacturing issues. Furthermore, some of our models include remote monitoring of the pool cover system, allowing us to be notified of any problems.


We are Here to Help!

At R3tract, our objective has remained the same: to produce and offer the most creative and dependable pool cover products and services. R3tract can assist you with everything from manufacture to installation.


Our knowledgeable R3tract support team is standing by to answer your concerns and assist you in selecting the best pool cover for your needs. Read more about the attention to detail that R3tract puts into our automatic retractable swimming covers, or contact us now to talk with our team.